Nincs termék
Apex (csokoládébarna) vázszerkezet, Espresso fa keret, purple Metallic rezonátorok
Ütőlapok anyaga: prémium hondurasi rózsafa
Ütőlapok szélessége: 72-40mm
Hangterjedelem: C2-C7 - 5 oktáv
Hangolás alapértelmezetten: 442Hz
Választható feláras hangolások: 440Hz, 441Hz, 443Hz, 444Hz
Hangolható basszusrezonátorok
Magasság állítás rendszer: 88-108cm
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“I love the lines of the upper-frame of the original Adams Alpha Marimba designed by KesselsGranger Design Works (released in 2012). My suggestion was to continue its sleek, modern design elements into the lower portion of the frame for a cohesive look. It was a funny coincidence (given the “Z” of my surname) that the design solution the engineers and designers at Adams came up with was a Z-shaped height adjustment system. In addition to the frame, we brainstormed a new color combination using a lighter resonator color and rich dark brown for the frame that we feel is warm yet modern. I think the resulting design is very striking aesthetically – and unique!”
Nancy Zeltsman
Hangterjedelem | 5 oktáv |